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VP, People

Octopus Deploy

Accelerate software delivery with repeatable deployments

VP, People

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Octopus Deploy is an ambitious, fast-growing software company that helps thousands of software teams around the world to deliver better software. We are growing quickly but sustainably, with over US$50M in revenue, and one of the few fast-growing software companies that’s also profitable.

Our team of just over 200 Octonauts are spread between Australia, New Zealand, the US, UK, and remotely around the world. We have a remote-first, high trust culture where we help each other first and treat everyone like adults. Our public handbook explains our values and much of what it’s like to work at Octopus, from our compensation philosophy to our performance review processes and communication systems.

As we enter a new phase of growth, we are seeking an experienced, forward-thinking executive to lead and own all things people, culture and talent, as we grow to 400+ people over the next 3 years.

As the VP, People, you will report directly to the CEO. You will be a key member of our executive leadership team, helping our company to live up to its potential while keeping the focus on the journey, not the destination. You will partner with senior leaders, building trust because you add value by creating solutions that solve their strategic business challenges.  This ensures our Octonauts are able to do the best work of their lives.

What you’ll do:

  • Work with senior leaders to understand what they need from the People team
  • Create an effective coaching experience to lift the consistency of leadership and management
  • Own and evolve our key People programs - Employee Experience, 360 feedback, compensation and performance reviews
  • Lead and empower our People operations and talent acquisition team members (5 people today)
  • Help the ELT define our D&I strategy and 2024 goals, and help hold us accountable to them
  • Help us scale our organization in all directions while staying true to our values

You’ll be a great fit for this role if:

  • You’re a strategic thinker with a high level of initiative
  • You’ve got a wide range of experience in different HR roles, ideally scaling a fast-growing remote-first company
  • Think outside the box. What may have been successful previously may need a new playbook at Octopus Deploy.
  • Strong organisational & time management skills 

This role is open to applicants from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or the US.

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