A daytime nap is good for the brain
Regularly finding time for a little snooze is good for our brain and helps keep it bigger for longer, say University College …
HealthAcross our curated articles on health, you'll find a range of guides, research studies, and actionable tips on sleep, how to stay healthy in the workplace, when you travel and work remotely.
Regularly finding time for a little snooze is good for our brain and helps keep it bigger for longer, say University College …
In the post-pandemic age, employees expect some measure of freedom and autonomy, whether that’s working fully remote or …
Health Remote WorkThe New York Times
This week, for the first time, I will be proposing a national framework to rebuild social connection and community in …
A term suggesting rock bottom stops meaning rock bottom when we’re all there and, somehow, still going.
Health WorkHacker News
Now that the sun is setting earlier with daylight savings time, I’m finding that I struggle with the increased hours of …
Not getting enough sleep can lead to a vicious circle of over-eating and further sleep deprivation, but it may be possible to …
A stunning 89% of employees report experiencing burnout this year, according to a survey released this week. Most worrying in …
Health WorkWorld Economic Forum
We’ve found a significant causal relationship between open-plan office noise and physiological stress.
Our results show …
Health WorkBBC
Being chronically bored at work can have damaging consequences – and we need to talk about it more, say experts.
Health WorkNPR
During the pandemic, many people have felt their mental health decline. The problem has hit essential workers and young …
Working long hours poses an occupational health risk that kills hundreds of thousands of people each year, the World Health …
Health WorkThe New Yorker
As a diagnosis, it’s too vague to be helpful—but its rise tells us a lot about the way we work.
The first global study of its kind showed 745,000 people died in 2016 from stroke and heart disease due to long hours.
The …
Health WorkBBC
Overwork culture is thriving; we think of long hours and constant exhaustion as a marker of success. Given what we know about …
Health WorkDynomight
While most things that clearly improve health are well known, one is insanely underrated: Fixing your air. I suspect this is …
HealthThe Wall Street Journal
Working remotely has made taking an afternoon snooze a lot easier, and it won’t be easy to give up. ‘I will …
HealthThe New Yorker
Test-driving a batch of posture-enhancing devices that are supposed to make you stand tall.
Health WorkInsider
Japan has appointed a “Minister of Loneliness” to take try and reduce loneliness and social isolation among its …
Health LifeDeloitte
Median annual ROI more than double for every dollar spent by companies with programs in place for more than three years.
Health WorkThe Onion
In an effort to help working individuals improve their fitness and well-being, experts at the Mayo Clinic issued a new set of …
HealthLiterary Hub
Ever since the discovery that light—and particularly blue light—can suppress melatonin and alter the timing of our circadian …
Health WorkElemental
The trouble with exercise is that it’s easy to avoid. Only 23% of American adults meet the federal recommendations for …
I interviewed Joel and Courtney Seiter, Buffer’s director of people, to learn more about Joel’s personal …
Health Remote
In this episode, Leo shares tips for distributed workers on how to build healthy habits and avoid the “loneliness …
Health Podcast Remote WorkCityLab
New research finds that, when a neighborhood’s green space leads to better health outcomes, tree canopy provides most …
HealthThe Guardian
Neuroscientist Shane O’Mara believes that plenty of regular walking unlocks the cognitive powers of the brain like …
Happiness HealthBonnie Eisenman
I’ve spent a lot of time working on skills to make it easier for me to exist in a professional environment. This …
Health WorkMEL Magazine
When politicians are staging national interventions to force us to connect with each other — and actually spending real money …
Health LifeUniversity of Cambridge
“We know unemployment is often detrimental to people’s wellbeing, negatively affecting identity, status, time …
Health WorkBBC
From the emergence of a spiky growth at the back of some people’s skulls to the enigmatic finding that our elbows are …