How I used the internet to painlessly relearn a foreign language & you could too
Over the last year I’ve found many ways to practice Spanish every day that are extremely effective, and not only …
LanguageWhat's language, and why do humans speak over 7,000 languages? Explore our curated articles, and discover the fascinating world of language and language learning apps.
Over the last year I’ve found many ways to practice Spanish every day that are extremely effective, and not only …
LanguageZach Daniel
This essay is broken into four sections: 1) why I’m learning Japanese, 2) some basics about Japanese alphabets, 3) what …
A bit over a year ago, I was a completely monolingual English speaker with zero experience with the French language. Twelve …
LanguageThe Conversation
Have you ever wondered whether the language you speak influences the way you see the world? Well, according to a number of …
LanguageThis week's remote jobs and remote work stories straight to your inbox.
Popular Science
“You know, the question of whether the language we speak influences the way we think, people have tended to approach …
LanguageThe Guardian
Research shows people who speak another language are more utilitarian and flexible, less risk-averse and egotistical, and …
LanguageDuolingo Blog
For this post, I wasn’t able to research all 7000+ languages (unfortunately!). But I did look at a lot of them, and I …
The brain uses a shared mechanism for combining words from a single language and for combining words from two different …
LanguageSmithsonian Magazine
Dozens of traditional cultures use a whistled form of their native language for long-distance communication. You could, too.
LanguageThe Economist
When considering which foreign languages to study, some people shy away from those that use a different alphabet. Those …
LanguageAtlas Obscura
For linguists, it is a tremendously controversial and fluid topic of study. What are lipreaders actually looking at? Just how …
LanguageBig Think
A new study found that words are more accurately heard when accompanied by hand gestures.
Learning Mandarin has been one of the most rewarding I’ve ever done, up there with learning how to program.
Human language is amazingly creative. If you make up a sentence of any complexity, and search for that exact sentence on the …
Scientists are starting to decipher the things we don’t say with words.
You can become fluent in a language in a few years of work, I see it all the time. This paper further proves that even …
LanguageThe New York Times
Free language learning apps often promise the world — but don’t expect fluency from one. Here’s what to expect …
LanguageScientific American
Does the language you speak influence how you think? This is the question behind the famous linguistic relativity hypothesis, …
Accents are a point of connection. We’re constantly influenced by the people around us, and that extends to accents — …
Language LifeQuartz
According to UNESCO, there are currently 2,464 threatened languages spoken around the world. 592 are classified as …
LanguageDiscover Magazine
How the brain can lose — and reclaim — an abandoned mother tongue.
LanguageOpen Culture
Thanks to the research efforts of the Foreign Service Institute, the center of foreign-language training for the United …
Why is it that humans speak so many languages? And why are they so unevenly spread across the planet? As it turns out, we …
LanguageThe Conversation
Why is it that humans speak so many languages? And why are they so unevenly spread across the planet? As it turns out, we …
LanguageDigital Culturist
The oldest written language in the world didn’t have an alphabet. When written language began, it wasn’t used to …
Losing your native tongue unmoors you not only from your own early life but from the entire culture that shaped you.
LanguageThe Economist
English is pretty simple. Learning to speak Ubykh or !Xóõ presents more of a challenge.
LanguageHacker News
I’m overwhelmed by all the options out there. Duolingo, pimsluer, classes, books, etc. What did you do to become fluent …
LanguageThe Atlantic
How much do you really need to say to put a sentence together?
LanguageCan some of you that live or have lived in a country where you don’t speak the language tell me about your experiences. …
Language Travel