The Mission
There are 100 days left in 2017.
What could you do in a hundred days? Could you write a book? Could you launch a side project? Could you hand in your notice? …
LifeWhat's life? Across our curated articles and stories, you'll find a 21st Century perspective on topics such as life lessons, creativity, mindfulness, self-improvement, and much more.
The Mission
What could you do in a hundred days? Could you write a book? Could you launch a side project? Could you hand in your notice? …
LifeBerkeley News
Pressure to feel upbeat can make you feel downbeat, while embracing your darker moods can actually make you feel better in …
LifeThe Mission
Showing up once in the pursuit of your goals will put you ahead of most people who operate by fuzzy aspirations but will put …
LifeThe New York Times
Today’s college students desperately want to change the world, but too many think that living a meaningful life …
LifeThe New York Times
Ever since I can remember, I’ve been told to strive for balance. Yet I’ve noticed something interesting: The …
When we succeed, we often take that success, in retrospect, to be the result of suffering that liquid trinity of blood, …
LifeHacker News
How often do you turn off or get away from all your devices and notifications? Do you have an activity you like to do during …
LifeThe New York Times
In recent years, a number of studies have documented the effects of techno-stress — the psychological and physical impact of …
LifeThe New York Times
There was a time, not long ago, when a social commitment was not regarded as a disposable Post-it note, when people took it …
LifeThe Atlantic
More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But …
LifeHacker News
I’ve, over the past few years, grown more and more lonely with very little outside contact. My job does not interact …
LifeKostas Bariotis
The study I’m about to present to you is something you have probably already seen floating around the internet, said to …
LifeWait But Why
We share a collective insanity that pervades human cultures throughout the world: An irrational and unproductive obsession …
LifeHacker News
I’m doing the best I can by improving each day, still feel like I have so much to learn every time I see the front page …
Life WorkHacker News
Just generally speaking, what do you worry about the most? Family’s safety & health, finances, work, etc?
We act as though we are no longer interested in or able to stay idle and simply do nothing. We appear to care more about the …
LifeHacker News
Even after working so many years. I still get moment that I want to snap. Any way to not bring emotion from work back home?
Life WorkThe Guardian
As technology renders jobs obsolete, what will keep us busy? Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari examines ’the useless …
Comparing your work or abilities to someone else’s can be an unproductive and self-destructive activity. Yet we compare …
LifeHacker News
What kind of volunteering has helped you grow the most? What kind of volunteering do you find the most fulfillment from?
LifeThe Walrus
Our society rewards social behaviour while ignoring the positive effects of time spent alone.
LifeZen Habits
Most of us are constantly looking for the Perfect System: The perfect system for being mindful, getting fit, losing weight, …
LifeThe Guardian
We are entering the age of no retirement. The journey into that chilling reality is not a long one: the first generation who …
LifeHacker News
Starting a new job where its a 9am start time, looking for tips for how to become a “morning person.” I’m …
LifeReal Life
Many people aren’t from one place and are in constant motion. So why must we choose one nationality from a drop-down …
LifeDesign Luck
Our brains have an incredible capacity to forge tangible results out of a mindset. When we build a habit in a particular way …
LifeThe Oatmeal
How to be perfectly unhappy.
LifeBen Casnocha
If all of your self-esteem eggs are in one basket, you’ll become very obsessive about the state of that basket. As your …
LifeThe Guardian
The despair from comparing ourselves with others is the original fake news. We need to develop a new relationship with our …
LifeThe Guardian
The despair from comparing ourselves with others is the original fake news. We need to develop a new relationship with our …