Hacker News
How do you move up in professional status as a remote worker?
How do you move into senior positions, and then lead positions as a remote developer? Is it even possible? As a remote …
Remote WorkHacker News
How do you move into senior positions, and then lead positions as a remote developer? Is it even possible? As a remote …
Remote WorkBBC
Many modern urban areas have been built around cars, with huge amounts of space set aside for roads and parking. But what …
Working from anywhere: the good, the bad, the lovely.
Remote WorkThe Atlantic
Our unpredictable and overburdened schedules are taking a dire toll on American society.
LifeDeloitte Insights
Why fostering human capabilities first might be more important than reskilling in the future of work.
Future of WorkLiterary Hub
Ever since the discovery that light—and particularly blue light—can suppress melatonin and alter the timing of our circadian …
Health WorkDistributed.blog
In this episode, Stephen shares with host Matt Mullenweg — another remote CEO — his perspective on the value of …
Podcast Remote WorkNPR
Many of us tend to do just about anything to avoid conversation or even eye contact with strangers. And smartphones make it …
HappinessI’ve been reading up on this and other offshoring while getting ready to move again. I think I have a viable use case …
e-ResidencyDerek Sivers
Where you are is partially defined by where you are not. When you’re somewhere, you’re not somewhere else. But …
TravelPeter Attia
In this episode, Jason Fried, co-founder of Basecamp, shares his beliefs around achieving business success in a modern world …
Podcast Remote Work Work-Life BalanceTomasz Tunguz
This is often why we see remote and distributed companies invest in human resources functions earlier on. consequently, these …
Remote WorkForge
‘Do you have any questions for me?’ is a make-or-break moment.
CareerAndreessen Horowitz
These stories are indicative of a larger trend: call it the “creator stack” or the “enterprization of …
Future of Work Gig EconomyThis is my last official week as a DN. I lasted 2.5 years.
I start a new job in November that is not remote friendly. …
Digital NomadEric Khun
I often advocate people surrounding me to build their own side projects. I believe they can fulfill you in so many ways: for …
Side ProjectThe New York Times
The findings put pressure on airline regulators to take stronger action to fight climate change as they prepare for a summit …
TravelThe New York Times
WeWork is the ultimate manifestation of this bad idea. Its rise is a sign that we have no good way, in modern life, to value …
CoworkingThe New York Times
My wanting to share every waking thought became eclipsed by a desire for an increasingly rare commodity — a private life.
I’ll be honest — the first few months were bleak. I didn’t have any projects lined up when I made the leap to …
FreelanceAmbition & Balance - by Doist
Building a company culture that assumes your team can’t be trusted is like playing basketball with one hand tied behind …
Remote WorkBYU
The impostor syndrome, a phenomenon that manifests when people feel like frauds even if they are actually capable and …
LifeThe New York Times
“Hacking” your work only works if you’re a person who would be congratulated for your ingenuity. If …
We’re remote because people stopped showing up. In the beginning, there was no office because it was me in the …
Remote WorkPaul Jarvis
Passion or love doesn’t have to be part of the work/job equation. The value of work is that you get paid to do it, not …
WorkTim Harford
Travellers are well used to these: the strange cover charge in the tourist-trap restaurant; the outrageous price of the hotel …
Human language is amazingly creative. If you make up a sentence of any complexity, and search for that exact sentence on the …
LanguageSo a couple weeks ago, we had a pretty ridiculous fiasco with Airbnb, in which they claimed that “A fan legally …
Digital Nomad TravelBBC
The flight shame movement is about feeling accountable for your carbon footprint
The Wall Street Journal
The personal-finance playbook followed by past generations doesn’t add up for many people the way it used to. …