The New York Times
Maybe Your Sleep Problem Isn't a Problem
The conventional wisdom is that morning people are high achievers, go-getters, while late risers are lazy. But what if going …
HealthThe New York Times
The conventional wisdom is that morning people are high achievers, go-getters, while late risers are lazy. But what if going …
HealthSpiegel Online
Travel is no longer a luxury good. Airlines like Ryanair and EasyJet have contributed to a form of mass tourism that has made …
TravelNick Wignall
By procrastinating about the right things in the right way, you’re never really procrastinating. If you’d like to …
Productivity80,000 Hours
People who made a change on an important question gained 2.2 points of happiness out of 10, while those who made a change on …
CareerAmbition & Balance - by Doist
Isolation, anxiety, and depression in the remote workplace and what we’re doing about it.
Remote WorkMedium
Back in November, my girlfriend and me decided to build our own van and travel through Europe for a couple of month… …
Digital Nomad Remote WorkThe New York Times
New research suggests that more money really does lead to a more satisfying life. Surveys of thousands of Swedish lottery …
LifeThe New York Times
Fed up with their high-pressure jobs, some millennials are quitting and embracing the FIRE movement. (It stands for financial …
MoneyThe Guardian
TripAdvisor is where we go to praise, criticise and purchase our way through the inhabited world. It is, at its core, a …
TravelI’m mid forties and thinking of hitting the road again (last time was my late thirties, and only for six months). …
Digital NomadPOLITICO Magazine
‘Co-living’ offers more affordable rent, a cleaning service and even the occasional happy hour. And no more …
ColivingThe Billfold
You save up a Fuck Off Fund of $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, then enough to live half a year without anyone else’s help. So …
Once an under-the-radar trend, living the digital nomad lifestyle has become so well-accepted it’s now an aspirational …
Digital NomadTechCrunch
For all of the discussions about how to hire, fire, coordinate, motivate, and retain remote teams though, what is strangely …
Remote WorkThe Wall Street Journal
Singapore and Qantas rethink their service for intercontinental trips that could last 20 hours or more.
TravelThe Boston Globe
Did you scan the boarding area from afar? Have a cold, penetrating stare? Sleep on the plane? Use the bathroom? Talk to …
TravelThe New York Times
Have no fear. An emerging science can now help you choose.
LifeHarvard Business Review
Here are three principles I’ve found to be effective in staving off isolation, maintaining productivity, and …
Remote WorkThe Atlantic
So what should you do if your social life is lacking? Here, too, the research is instructive. To begin with, don’t …
Blue light from digital devices and the sun transforms vital molecules in the eye’s retina into cell killers, according …
Still, millions of workers seem unable to take a stand against it, from medics to ‘gig economy’ workers and …
WorkThe Economist
When weary travellers step off a long flight, they want to get off the plane and on to their destinations as quickly as …
TravelWEG Pub
Recently, we’ve seen the rise of what is euphemistically known as the ‘digital nomad’. I propose we call …
Digital NomadCarol Moynham
Is poor posture why your neck and shoulders hurt? You can fix bad habits and relieve pain without even leaving your chair.
Every time I hear first-world passport holders complain about doing a visa run or having to apply for an electronic visa …
TravelThe Startup
Typically, repeated practice takes us up to a medium level of success. After an initial spike, progress stalls, plateaus — …
LearningAbout five months into my new life as a digital nomad, and I’m feeling really good. My boyfriend, dog, and I are having …
Digital Nomad TravelSlate Magazine
More Americans are sleeping in their cars than ever before. Should cities make space for them?
A series of studies published during the last couple of years suggest that commuting does have its upsides – particularly if …
CommutingThe New York Times
A New Zealand firm that let its employees work four days a week while being paid for five says the experiment was so …