How the hell do you all make money!?
I’ve seen a myriad of get rich quick schemes and online money making scams. Obviously this is not how you are all …
Digital Nomad MoneyI’ve seen a myriad of get rich quick schemes and online money making scams. Obviously this is not how you are all …
Digital Nomad MoneyHacker News
How do you find friends after moving to a new city?
LifeSurf Office
Rachel, Content and Social Media Manager at Hubstaff, followed her dream to work with freedom straight out of college. Her …
Digital NomadHacker News
I am having a lot of free time during this period but I don’t seem to get any good ideas into my head like it used to …
Life WorkThe Year of the Looking Glass
Here’s the thing though: your career, like your life, moves forward whether you think about it or not. If you …
No matter how exciting remote work can seem, there can still be challenges in balancing the individual’s needs and …
Digital Nomad Remote WorkfreeCodeCamp
So here’s my guide to negotiation. It’s going to be split into two parts: this first part will be about …
My curent backpack weight is around 10.5 pounds, and as you probably know, this is everything I take with me to 20+ countries …
Gear GearNick Janetakis
I still highly doubt I’ll ever work a traditional job but I’m beginning to see that schedules aren’t taking …
Excessively long working hours can cause fatigue and physical and/or psychological stress, which potentially damage cognitive …
WorkThe New York Times
The bottom line: Resist the soul-crushing job’s promise of extra money and savor the more satisfying conditions …
Career WorkWhat was your “why didn’t I start doing this sooner” moment?
LifeSingularity Hub
But what people aren’t talking about, and what’s getting my attention, is a forthcoming rapid demonetization of …
LifeFast Company
Several startups are offering off-hours restaurant spaces as an affordable alternative to traditional coworking offices.
CoworkingSignal v. Noise
I do things, I try things, I build things, I want to make progress, I want to make things better for me, my company, my …
A math model developed by a group of researchers at the University of Maryland explains why it takes you days to establish a …
TravelHacker News
You have the drive and motivation to get to your destination but once you are there – you’re left wondering …
LifeI’ve lived out of a carry on bag for 4 or 5 years out of the last 8 years.
Digital Nomad GearBig Think
Psychology Professor Thomas Gilovich from Cornell University has made four studies on the subject over decades and came to …
HappinessJames Clear
The counterintuitive insight from all of this research is that the best way to change your entire life is by not changing …
WorkThe Wall Street Journal
A new study examines earnings data to link declining job mobility to lower overall demand for workers.
What should I be doing with my life? That’s when I (finally) started to recognize the pattern. If I always asked myself …
What often goes unnoticed, though, is that anxieties about exhaustion are not peculiar to our age. Those who imagine that …
LifeThought Catalog
They call it the travel bug, but really it’s the effort to return to a place where you are surrounded by people who …
TravelWhat skills did you build and what other things did you do in order to be able to live this lifestyle? Were any of you able …
Digital Nomad Remote WorkHere’s a primer on the tax and financial aspects of the digital nomad lifestyle. Note, this is mainly for US folks.
Digital Nomad MoneyDesk of van Schneider
For me the concept of work/life balance is bullshit. The fact that we call it work/life balance automatically implies that …
Work-Life BalanceStanford School of Engineering
A team of researchers explore why “flash teams” of professionals coming together for projects can have profound …
Future of WorkFast Company
Sure, the coworking movement may be a fad, but these researchers say it has a surprisingly strong psychological basis.
Coworking Future of WorkBusiness Insider
Here are the 10 best low-cost airlines in the world, according to the results of the Skytrax survey.