The Guardian
It's official: employers can't force you to be happy. Hallelujah
A US ruling says that that companies aren’t allowed to pressure staff to be relentlessly positive. That’s good …
WorkThe Guardian
A US ruling says that that companies aren’t allowed to pressure staff to be relentlessly positive. That’s good …
For the first time since the 1880s, more young Americans are living with their parents than with a romantic partner.
Wouldn’t it be great to ditch the micro-managing boss, take on exciting new projects whenever you want, and work the …
Gig EconomyRemember, working remotely isn’t a get out of jail free card. It means that you need to be more vigilant and proactive. …
Remote WorkThe Coffeelicious
Instead of sharing quotes like “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”, why don’t …
WorkHacker News
What’s the procedure for getting a new job without going through external recruiters?
Expect workers and regulators to demand continued improvements in workplace safety. Expect more comfortable workspaces, more …
WorkQuanta Magazine
A specific set of neurons deep in the brain may motivate us to seek company, holding social species together.
This ability to earn an income through a variety of sources and arrangements has become a popular option over the past decade …
Working from 9 to 5 — what a way to make a livin’. The song is awesome, but the actual practice is pretty outdated. …
Remote WorkTwo years ago I graduated college. One year ago I left for a backpacking trip. I came back and started working to build a …
Digital NomadWIRED
The overlap between co-living and co-working is no coincidence. Co-living startups are hoping that they can do to residential …
ColivingThe Week
Thanks to globalization, it’s very likely that at some point you’ve found yourself faced with a line of text …
Here’s why programming — unlike plumbing — is an important skill that everyone should learn: programming is how humans …
LearningMobile Lifestyle
Quitting your 9 to 5 job, being your own boss and rolling out of the bed to work in your PJ’s is the dream for many …
FreelanceBoth Sides of the Table
I often have career discussions with entrepreneurs — both young and more mature — whether they should join company …
CareerHacker News
If you could restart your career from day 1, what would you do differently (or the same)? Please also leave years …
What this may mean is that the growth of the gig economy, at least the growth measured by Katz and Krueger, is being driven …
Gig EconomyAtlas Obscura
Thousands applied for the inaugural class of travel start-up Remote Year. Here’s what happened to the 68 people who …
Coliving CoworkingThe Everywhereist
The problem I have is with the recurring narrative that quitting your job to travel the world is inherently a noble act, when …
Digital NomadAny huge blunders you’d like to do over?
Digital NomadHarvard Business Review
But in today’s world, networking is a necessity. A mountain of research shows that professional networks lead to more …
WorkGroove Blog
Distributed teams are getting more and more common, but too many businesses still cling to outdated assumptions.
Remote WorkHacker News
Basically, I can’t make me to focus on my work until it’s really close to the deadline of my task or even later. …
ProductivityAmbition & Balance - by Doist
What would you say if I told you that reading one book can be more valuable than reading fifty? That re-reading something …
ProductivityHarvard Business Review
What can those who want to create more innovative and collaborative workplaces today — whether that’s a better office …
CoworkingWhat is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking?
LifeThe Washington Post
How exactly does procrastination work, and how do you stop it? Psychological research, comics and “The Simpsons” …
ProductivitySo for those of you that work as nomads and have anxiety…how do you do it? How do you deal with working outside the …
Digital NomadThe Atlantic
It’s a paradox: Shouldn’t the most accomplished be well equipped to make choices that maximize life satisfaction? …