Kalzumeus Software
How I went from $100-an-hour programming to $X0,000-a-week consulting.
Nobody ever shows up at your door and says “Welcome to the Illuminati. You can now charge $20,000 a week. Here’s …
FreelanceKalzumeus Software
Nobody ever shows up at your door and says “Welcome to the Illuminati. You can now charge $20,000 a week. Here’s …
FreelanceHacker News
I want to quit the job I hate so much. I have been way too long on the same job (more than 10 years). I have savings enough …
Maybe you’ve had a soul-sucking commute for years. Or maybe you just log way too many long days away from your family …
Remote WorkSurf Office
Having worked location independently for more than 18 months Stuart Gardner doesn’t come across as your typical nomad. …
Remote WorkThe Hustle
How using the Five Minute journal method made Tim Ferriss and thousands of others 100% happier.
LifeWorld Economic Forum
Nowhere will the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution be felt more than in the world of work. It was a hot topic for …
Future of WorkProject Syndicate
Think about it: You can call, email, and even watch your counterparty on FaceTime, Skype, or GoToMeeting. So why do companies …
WorkJames Altucher Blog
Not everyone is Mark Zuckerberg or Larry Page. Not everyone is going to drop out of college and create an iphone or a time …
WorkSeth's Blog
Many marketers work overtime to confuse us about money. They take advantage of our misunderstanding of the time value of …
MoneySignal v. Noise
If you’re fortunate to have the freedom to work remotely, great! Rejoice in your freedom to get things done when, …
Remote Worknews.com.au
It turns out being a digital nomad isn’t that easy. Have you ever returned from a holiday feeling more tired than when …
Digital Nomad#Untethered
While a lot of articles on remote work tend to focus on the negatives of not being in an office, I want to focus on the …
Remote WorkCarryology
My name’s Jan Chipchase, I’m the founder of Studio D, a research, design and strategy consultancy based out of …
The utopian workplace is here, complete with roof gardens, therapists and time to nap. Can the employee ever escape?
Life WorkHacker News
I spend a lot of time “cold-emailing” local businesses and messaging other companies who are actually looking for …
Amid an accelerating war for tech talent, big companies and startups alike are paying top dollar—as much as $1,000 a hour, …
FreelanceART + marketing
I used to get paid for looking out the window at my old job. For at least forty minutes a day at every former job I ever …
Remote WorkHacker News
What sites do you use to find contract work.
FreelanceBe Yourself
I’m 27 and female. Since I was 21, I’ve been away at least once a year, for anything from 3 nights to 9 months, …
TravelCreative Boom
If you’re a little anxious about your first year of freelancing, don’t be. Aside from the obvious advice of …
FreelanceMike Rogers
At the start of 2015 I stumbled across the concept of a digital nomad, the idea being that if you have an internet connection …
Digital NomadThe Atlantic
In an age when the line between childhood and adulthood is blurrier than ever, what is it that makes people grown up?
LifeJust spent a few months in Chiang Mai. Loved it! Now going to be in Europe for a few months. What city is the equivalent in …
TravelUpwork Blog
The expression “coliving” may bring up memories of bad roommates, cramped quarters, and college dorms. In …
ColivingThe Bigger Picture
But fuck all these end of year bullshit get-your-life-together-with-these-five-steps articles. Medium and Twitter and fucking …
LifeThe Guardian
A shorter working week could improve our mental and physical health and even mitigate climate change, research shows.
Who better to answer questions about the purpose of life than someone who has been living theirs for a long time?
I was a freelance developer for 7 years before taking my first full-time position with a company and never once had a dry …
If “gig” suggests the independence you get when you’re not tied down to a steady lifetime job, then just …
Gig EconomyOpen Blog
Similar to how we share our salaries openly, we’re now happy to share the financial setup of a 6 Buffer teammates …
Money Remote Work