Software Engineering Stack Exchange
How to respond when you are asked for an estimate?
What is your personal process for deciding and delivering an estimate? What techniques have you found useful?
Freelance WorkAcross our curated articles on work, you'll find a range of guides, stories, research studies and actionable tips on how to navigate the workplace, office culture and politics, meetings, open-plan offices, and a whole lot more.
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
What is your personal process for deciding and delivering an estimate? What techniques have you found useful?
Freelance WorkSome people really benefit from hearing advice that everyone knows, for the same reason we keep schools open despite every …
Life WorkAeon
The most effective tactic in the war on empty talk seems to be to outflank the bullshitter by posing your questions as …
Mastering ‘active rest’ is far harder than it looks, but there are good reasons why we should keep working at it. …
WorkThe DESK Magazine
My standard answer to myself and others usually is: “Yes, you could have done that, but you didn’t.” But …
At my most recent job, I did all of my best work at home. I would actively try to avoid the office for as long as possible. …
WorkHacker Noon
71% of meetings are considered unproductive. Let’s fix that.
WorkThe New York Times
First there were individual offices. Then cubicles and open floor plans. Now, there is a “palette of places.” New …
WorkThe New Yorker
The open office was originally conceived by a team from Hamburg, Germany, in the nineteen-fifties, to facilitate …
WorkHarvard Business Review
There is good reason to be concerned about social connection in our current world. Loneliness is a growing health epidemic. …
If you work in an office, there’s a good chance it’s an open one. How did we get here? And why is it so bad?
Video WorkThe Atlantic
Corporate jargon may seem meaningless to the extent that it’s best described as “bullshit,” but it actually …
WorkZero Infinity
In the context of work-life balance, our brains didn’t evolve to determine exactly how much we need to work. Our brains …
WorkThe New York Times
If the very thought of networking makes you throw up in your mouth, you’re not alone. Networking makes us feel dirty — …
Career WorkDropbox Blog
The open office layout is meant to foster an egalitarian work environment that inspires creativity and spontaneous …
WorkThe Guardian
The point isn’t that the world would be a lovelier place if nobody felt forced to work long hours, though that’s …
WorkThe Conversation
For centuries people have been getting up, joining a daily commute or retreating to a room, to work. The office has become …
WorkFast Company
A glimpse of workplace trends on the rise.
WorkThe New York Times
The number of people who commute two hours or more to work is expected to grow, especially now that it is easier to work …
The worst kept secret is that employees are making less on average every year. There are millions of reasons for this, but …
Humans aren’t wired for any sort of global, always-reachable communication. This is a a problem that applies to both …
Productivity WorkWorld Economic Forum
Anybody who fears mass unemployment underestimates capitalism’s extraordinary ability to generate new bullshit jobs. If …
WorkHacker News
Do you feel fulfilled with the work you do every day? If yes, please explain what it is you do and why it is so fulfilling. …
WorkHacker News
I’m doing the best I can by improving each day, still feel like I have so much to learn every time I see the front page …
Life WorkThe New York Times
Restfulness and recharging can take a back seat to the perception and appearance of productivity. It’s easier to stay …
Productivity WorkYMMV
If there is one single complaint about work I hear most often from clients and friends, it’s that they have a hard time …
WorkHacker News
Even after working so many years. I still get moment that I want to snap. Any way to not bring emotion from work back home?
Life WorkHacker Noon
My latest data shows that 80% of high-performance employees are interrupted 5 or more times a day by things like unplanned …
WorkThe Week
When you examine the lives of history’s most creative figures, you are immediately confronted with a paradox: They …
WorkCollaborative Fund
It’s not about working less. It’s the opposite: A lot of knowledge jobs basically never stop, and without …