Tech salaries continue to increase as firms search for talent
Firms are increasingly looking for tech candidates, but are employers set to gain more hiring power over the next year?
WorkAcross our curated articles on work, you'll find a range of guides, stories, research studies and actionable tips on how to navigate the workplace, office culture and politics, meetings, open-plan offices, and a whole lot more.
Firms are increasingly looking for tech candidates, but are employers set to gain more hiring power over the next year?
“Overemployment” sounds like more of the same old grind, but its underlying philosophy is critical of work.
WorkThe New York Times
More than 70 companies in Britain are undergoing a six-month experiment in which their employees get a paid day off each …
WorkAds of the World
A mailroom punching bag. Tuna cans with no can opener. A folded-up exercise machine. New marketing campaign seeks “the …
WorkThe Atlantic
What people are now calling “quiet quitting” was, in previous decades, simply known as “having a …
WorkThe Workplace
A hyper-productive, stellar employee doesn’t have enough tasks to do and is getting worried that this might mean he is …
WorkHarvard Business Review
Every employee, every workday, makes a decision: Are they only willing to do the minimum work necessary to keep their job? Or …
WorkThe Wall Street Journal
Many employers dial down how much paid time off they give new moms and dads.
WorkThe Wall Street Journal
Millions of workers have switched jobs or gone remote—a big reason many employees say work friendships are harder to forge …
WorkFuture Forum
Nonlinear workdays support employees to fit work into their lives, instead of the other way around.
WorkThe Economist
Workers for demonised firms are often proud to be on the payroll.
WorkThe New York Times
Cubicles are largely empty in downtown San Francisco and Midtown Manhattan, but workers in America’s midsize and small …
Remote Work WorkAmerican Compass
The conflict between responsibilities at home and at work is largely the result of economic transitions to which we …
Life Remote Work WorkWebworm
It turns out posting anonymously on anonymous review site Glassdoor may be a thing of the past.
An American judge has just …
What workers appear to want, more than luxurious amenities, free lunch, or even Lizzo concerts, is to know why they’re …
WorkHacker News
I got nothing against 4 day workweeks - I myself work part time, but I rather work 2-4 hours for even 6 days a week and …
Smaller cities aim to lure newly-remote tech workers with perks ranging from cash handouts to free babysitting.
WorkThe New York Times
In the latest Times Opinion focus group, 12 millennial Americans — ages 26 to 33 — discussed how the pandemic had upended and …
Career WorkAirbnb
In response to this trend of newfound flexibility, Airbnb today announced our approach to allow employees to live and work …
Remote Work WorkThe Guardian
Computer monitoring software is helping companies spy on their employees to measure their productivity – often without their …
Remote Work WorkHarvard Business Review
If you feel underappreciated at work, you’re not alone: 59% of employees say they have never had a boss who …
WorkHacker News
We’ve been asked to return to the office for two days a week “mandatory”.
I’m convinced that this is …
Remote Work WorkBBC
Companies are calling employees back to the workplace – but not all of them. This is stoking resentment among workers and …
Remote Work WorkBloomberg
Those at companies pushing for in-person work are asking: What’s the point, if we’re still meeting online?
WorkThe Hustle
A wide range of factors are pushing retirees back into the workforce.
WorkThe Atlantic
Last week, Microsoft published a study that offers an eerie reflection of my working life. Traditionally, the researchers …
Remote Work WorkDavid Bauer
If you start working with a new person, wouldn’t it be nice if you had some sort of user manual that gives you a basic …
WorkJohn Whiles
Working in tech, I’ve observed developers who work as hard as possible when they don’t need to. I’m here …
WorkThe Independent
Shoji Morimoto has built a cult following by offering himself as a warm body who can simply be there, liberating his clients …
WorkMad Ned Memo
Here are three different scenarios that I have run into, over the many years I’ve spent in the engineering world. None …